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The LINC Health Panel Research and Horizon Scanning Task Group and the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield present:

Evidence Based Librarianship Conference, Sheffield UK, Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th September 2001

Evidence based librarianship is probably the first hot topic of the new millenium. Having assisted in the development of evidence based healthcare for almost a decade it is now opportune for librarians to turn a critical eye on their own practice:

  • How evidence based is my practice?
  • How good is the evidence base for librarianship as a whole and health sciences librarianship in particular?
  • What lessons can we as a profession learn from other disciplines?
  • What are the barriers facing evidence based librarianship and how might these be overcome?
  • What can evidence based librarianship do for the prestige and profile of the profession?


In their day-to-day work health sciences librarians are continually confronted with making many practical decisions. Evidence-based librarianship offers a decision-making framework, which integrates the best available research evidence with  individual expertise. By employing this framework and the higher levels of research evidence it promotes, health sciences librarians can be valued as scientific practitioners in their own right as well as contributors to an organisational culture of evidence based practice. We invite you to attend a two day budget conference to discuss these and related issues.


Single-room, student-style accommodation for the conference has been reserved in the Ranmoor district of Sheffield at the University's Halifax Hall of Residence, which is where the conference itself will occur. Ranmoor, in West Sheffield, is a leafy Victorian area close to parks, botannical gardens and 2 miles from the Peak District National Park.

Programme Conference supporting papers Conference Handbook Important dates Accommodation How to get there The LINC Health Panel  About EBL


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